cdac end module cdac ccee operating systems practice questions page 2

CDAC Operating Systems Practice Questions

11. Command to convert all capital letters in file to small case letters

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12. The command that Unix offers to a user to find out whether he can send messages to a particular terminal are

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13. when we are executing a shell script the shell acts as

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14. The output of the command banner ‘Unix Shell Programming’ would be

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15. The shell meta character $# represents

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16. what are the contents of the file /usr/lib/cron/at.deny ?

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17. The command cut -f 2,8 -d’:’ file1 would output

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18. The program contained in boot block that loads kernel into memory is called

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19. Which command displays the line numbers by the side of each line?

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20. Which statements are true if the file which contains the following line is submitted to the crontab command. 10 2 3 * 0 echo “There is no substitute for hard work“

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