CDAC Advanced Java Practice Questions
31. Which of the following values can be replaced in the place of 1 and 2 below Statement stmt = con.createStatement(1, 2);
32. The EJB timer service is used for timing notifications. It can be used with
33. Implementing a message-driven bean requires that the developer extend two interfaces: a MessageListener interface and
34. A message-driven bean developed for a JMS messaging system puts its business processing logic within which method:
35. From which object do you ask for DatabaseMetaData?
36. When a JSP page is compiled, what is it turned into
37. Controller components in struts are java classes and must be built using specific rules. They are usually referred as:
38. With Database metadata/ Resultset metadata
39. Select statements, which are valid for Cookie
40. Select statements, which are valid for Session
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