CDAC Advanced Java Practice Questions
11. getPathInfo() method of HttpServletRequest Interface
12. What are valid methods for HttpSessionListener
13. Which of the following JSP variables are not available within a JSP expression.
14. Which of the following statements are correct about the status of the Http response.
15. A session is created in a servlet and that servlet has
a form, which has a button. On clicking the button a
new window pops up, what happens next?
16. The ServletContext interface provides direct access
to the hierarchy of static content documents that are
part of the web application, including HTML, GIF and
JPEG files through following methods
17. Which of the following are true with respect to sendRedirect method of HttpServletResponse?
18. Which of the following actions can you achieve by invoking an appropriate method on the EntityContext from inside the ejbPassivate() method of an entity bean class
19. _______ exception indicates to the web container
that the servlet is either temporarily or permanently
20. Which of the following statements are true about a Stateless session bean
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