In particular, there were about 20 confirmed cases related to entertainment establishments in Sangmu District. COVID-19 is spreading rapidly while eating and drinking food and talking at entertainment establishments with masks off. In particular, as workers at entertainment establishments are confirmed one after another, the risk of spreading local infections is increasing. Accordingly, our city recognizes the current situation very seriously, and as of 0 o’clock today (May 12), we issued an administrative order for COVID-19 diagnostic tests on the owners and workers of entertainment bars, karaoke bars, and singing practice centers in the jurisdiction. Those in question are 성인용품 required to undergo a COVID-19 diagnostic test at the nearest health center screening clinic and the city hall temporary screening clinic by the 19th (Wed). Inspection is anonymous. If you do not comply with the executive order, you will be charged to the police and fined up to 3 million won.
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